I’m completely blown away by the news that Arctic Absolution is a Runner-Up in the Gay Contemporary Romance category of the 2015 Rainbow Awards! Fellow ForbiddenFiction author, Nick Kinsley, also got a Runner-Up spot in the Best Gay Debut category for his novel, Behind Locked Doors. Congrats to him and thank you to all of the judges and all of those involved in making the awards happen.
Arctic Absolution was one of my biggest challenges to write, mostly from a practical standpoint. There was so much research and mental gymnastics involved in bringing both Dixon and Jaye to life in the wild setting of remote Alaska. I’m incredibly proud of this story and am glad others have enjoyed it so much! The prequel to this novel, Caged Jaye, is in the proofing stages right now. I hope to announce a date for a cover reveal soon, as well as a release date, so stay posted!
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