I’m so excited to be able to say that Only the Lonely (Twin Ties series) has officially been released! This is a dark, emotional story, but after going through 3 novels’ worth of Evan’s journey with him, I knew I owed it to him to capture the toughest period of his life. That’s what this novella does. The demons he faces here are a big part of who he is and why he acts the way he does. There’s a lot I personally relate to in what he struggles with, so I know how honoring the entire span of a nightmarish process is really key in appreciating the peace and happiness of a happy ending. I was never going to really know Evan unless I went with him through the trials of his fourteenth year of life, and I believe you’ll also have a greater appreciation not only for how far he comes over the course of the series by reading this, but also for what too many people like him have to live with through no fault of their own. Evan didn’t chose his circumstances, but he’s the one who has to walk that path. Recognizing the strength it takes to do so is a gift we can give him, and his kindred spirits.
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